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We see a Church whose Savior is Christ, whose presence is His Spirit, and whose passion is the Great Commission.

Mission Statement


Our mission is to develop disciples will glorify God, edify the body of Christ, serve the community, expand their relationship with Christ, educate and equip those who have needs, and invest in individuals while providing a safe environment where worship, teaching and learning is relaxed and friendly-oriented.  We strive to enlighten and enhance the surrounding community by allocating resources for our youth, families and to love and provide support for our seniors.


We see Worship:


We see a Church whose heartfelt praise and worship touches Heaven and changes Earth; worship which influences the praises of people throughout the earth, exalting Christ with powerful songs of faith and hope.  This worship is diversified, agile and responsive; it reaches beyond social stigmas, races, classes and cultural barriers to bring aid, care, warmth and belongingness.  The Church that we see has a message so captivating and clear that lives are forever changed; a message beamed to the peoples of the earth through media and multiple technologies.  We see a Church with one vision, one message, for many to hear.  Worship is the beginning of discipleship where people are set free, touched, changed, challenged, delivered and forever redeemed by encountering God’s Holy and discernible presence.  This worship is a true manifestation of our love towards God’s grace and mercy, and is expressed in creative, relevant and contemporary forms.  This worship is dynamic and is ever evolving, therefore it is never static. In this worship the presence of God inhabits and therefore it is life changing, and provides hope and healing. (John 4:23-24)



We see Evangelism and Discipleship:


In which our members begin with fervent prayer that calls us to go on our face before God day and night, having every kind of prayer covering, interceding, calling, training and sending out powerful people of prayer who faithfully engaged in the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ using every medium at our disposal.


We see Fellowship:


That welcomes people into our body.  We will be a loving, forgiving, and accepting body and our activities will be Christ-centered and welcoming to all who are broken, bruised and burden. We see a Church relentlessly pursuing God’s presence. The Church that we see is so dependent on the Holy Spirit that nothing will stop it nor stand against it; a Church whose people are unified, powerfully and continually praying with the full breath of God’s Spirit fervently committed to Christ in prayerful humility; counting the cost and ready to pay any price to see revival and restoration sweep this community, city, state and nation.


We see Facilities:


That will accommodate our growth and are accessible to our members and the community. Our facilities are clean and will be equipped with the latest technology and provide ample room for worship services, Sunday school, small groups, bible study, nursery, pre-school and youth and senior programs and recreation facilities for fitness programs and other meetings. This facility will provide a safe and loving atmosphere that is conducive for spiritual growth.

We see Stewardship:


That fully expects radically changed lives.  Lives where the full and unbridled potential of the living Word of God is actualized and embodied, by Spirit led obedience, generosity and maturity that is so compassionate that people are drawn from impossible situations into a loving and friendly circle of hope, where Christ is shared, life is found and acceptance is given.  We give opportunity where everyone expresses their love and obedience to God through their material possessions, time, and talents.  Therefore, we see a 100% tithing church that protects, nurtures, and multiplies that which God has entrusted to us.


We see Excellence in Administration and Development:


That will effectively operate as a complete body. Our high level of efficiency will be evidence of our passion for excellence in all that we do.  The Church that we see is a Church so committed to raising, training and empowering each new generation of leaders that all of our ministries resources are funneled to that end and leadership that is intensely kingdom minded.


We see Youth and Young Adults:


Who are nurtured in their faith to become mature followers of Christ, and contribute and engaged in every aspect of ministry.  Our youth and young adults are thoroughly equipped with both the spiritual and temporal tools to be true representatives of the Kingdom of God wherever they go.  We are committed to using every resource at our disposal to transform individuals into fully mature followers of Jesus Christ.

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